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in this growing bundle! 

Bundle Pricing 

Growing Bundle

$38 USD

  • Gain access to everything you need for K-2 classroom!

    • Growing library of back to school resources

✅You have been bookmarking and pinning all the back to school classroom decor and materials ideas but have not yet decided what to get.
✅You need one place to find everything that a dual-language needs to be set up for a strong year with systems in place.
✅You want this to be the last year that you hunt for back to school items, because you have your back-to-school routine ready to go.
✅All you want to do is print so you can focus on more important things... your students. 
✅You care more about functionality and efficiency versus some cutesy thing you saw on pinterest.
✅You are thinking of a “theme for the year” but your theme should be efficiency, and functionality that encourages language development.

What's inside:

Marisol Marisol

Bundle Pricing 

Growing Bundle

$38 USD

  • Gain access to everything you need for K-2 classroom!

    • Growing library of back to school resources